Bacteria Genomic DNA Isolation kit Mini

Product Description


Brand LaboPass
Category DNA Purification Kit
Product Name Bacteria Genomic DNA Isolation kit Mini
Storage Conditions RT
Proteinase K: store at 4°C for up to 2 months,
or -20°C for long-term storage
Lysozyme: store at -20°C
Download Protocol


* Currency: JPY (tax exclusive)
Cat.No. Product Description Size (prep) Price(JPY)
 CMBA0111 LaboPass™ Bacteria Genomic DNA Isolation Kit Mini 50 32,000
 CMBA0112 LaboPass™ Bacteria Genomic DNA Isolation Kit Mini 200 145,000
 CMBA0115 LaboPass™ Bacteria Genomic DNA Isolation Kit Mini 1,000 584,000

LaboPass™ Bacteria Genomic DNA Isolation kit Mini  optimized for isolation of genomic DNA from a variety of bacteria including gram-positive/negative bacteria and provides a fast and convenient tool for efficient purification of genomic DNA in a comfortable spin format or on a vacuum manifold. Typical DNA recovery is 1~10 μg from 1 mL of microbial culture. This provides reproducible yields of highly purified genomic DNA and allows for the use of the purified genomic DNA in diverse applications.

High yield and purity
Genomic DNA is yielded from up to 2~5 x 108 Bacterial cells using LaboPass™ Bacteria Genomic DNA Isolation kit Mini. The obtained genomic DNA is ready to use in various applications such as PCR, real-time PCR, SNP detection, Southern blotting, sequencing, and cloning.

Fast and easy-to-use system
After lysis step, genomic DNA can be obtained within 10 minute.

High yield and purity

Genomic DNA was purified from gram-positive/negative bacteria using the LaboPass™ Bacteria Genomic DNA Isolation kit Mini.
The purified genomic DNA was analyzed on 1 % agarose gel in TAE buffer.


Compared with other company kits, LaboPass™ Bacteria Genomic DNA Isolation kit Mini showed high yield for genomic DNA.
Samples were analyzed on 1% agarose gel in TAE buffer.

Superior Purity

Genomic DNA purified by LaboPass™ Bacteria Genomic DNA Isolation kit Mini is ready to use for various molecular biology applications.

PCR amplification
PCR amplification was performed with purified genomic DNA using LaboPass™ Bacteria Genomic DNA Isolation kit Mini from gram-positive/negative bacteria.
Samples were analyzed on 1% agarose gel in TAE buffer.

Sequencing analysis
Automated DNA sequencing analysis was performed from purified DNA fragment (1.5 kb) using LaboPass™ Bacteria Genomic DNA Isolation kit Mini.
Sequencer Name : Applied Biosystems, Automatic Sequencer ABI 3730XL Applied
Sequencing System : ABI BigDye® Terminator version 3.1

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