RNase Inhibitor

Product Description

Brand LaboPass
Category RNA Related Products
Product Name RNase Inhibitor
Storage Conditions -20℃
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* Currency: JPY (tax exclusive)
Cat.No. Product Description Size(unit) Price(JPY)
CMRN002 LaboPass™ RNase Inhibitor 2,000 14,000
CMRN010 LaboPass™ RNase Inhibitor 10,000 56,800

LaboPass™ RNase Inhibitor is a 50 kDa recombinant protein of murine origin which is purified from a recombinant E.coli strain expressing a cloned murine gene. The inhibitor specifically inhibits RNase A, B and C by binding at a 1:1 ratio with high affinity, but not against RNase 1, RNase T1, S1 nuclease or RNase H. Additionally, it does not interfere with the activity of Taq polymerase, SP6, T7 and T3 RNA Polymerases, AMV or M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase. Murine RNase inhibitor which lacks a pair of cysteines identified in the human/porcine inhibitor is more resistant to oxidation. So it is more stable at low reducing condition (2-mercaptoethanol, DTT, DTE, etc) compared to other source inhibitors.

– cDNA synthesis
– in vitro transcription
– in vitro translation
– Other applications where the integrity of RNA is required
Supplied reagents
– RNase inhibitor : 40 unit/μl

Complete Protection of RNA from RNase Degradation

Purified RNA (in vitro transcripts or mammalian total RNA) was incubated with RNase A in the absence or presence of RNase inhibitor. LaboPass™ RNase inhibitor completely protects RNA from RNase A degradation. Compared with other commercial enzymes, LaboPass™ RNase inhibitor shows comparable or superior quality in inhibition activity.


High Yield of cDNA Synthesis

The yield of cDNA synthesis was compared with other commercial RNase inhibitors in reverse transcription reaction. LaboPass™ RNase inhibitor produces a far superior yield in comparison.

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