Primer Walking

In our Primer Walking service, you provide us with DNA samples, and we use the primer walking method to analyze long nucleotide sequences.

Service Contents

Using your DNA samples, we perform multiple sequencing analyses. By designing and synthesizing primers based on the sequencing result and repeating the sequencing reactions, we proceed with the long-chain sequence analysis.

Work Process
Sample QC
Primer design and synthesis
Sequencing reaction
Sequencer run
Data verification
Assembled data generation
BigDye Terminator v3.1
3730xl DNA Analyzer

Sequencing Methods

You can choose either single-strand sequencing (SSS) or double-strand sequencing (DSS) according to your needs.

Averaged sequencing length per one reaction is approximately 500 bases. We will repeat the several sequencing reactions according to the required sequencing length.
Example: For approximately 3.0kb of Primer Walking (SSS), we usually perform around 6 sequencing reactions (3,000bp ÷ 500bp/reaction = 6 reactions).

Turnaround Times

Up to 1 kbp
Approx. 2 weeks
Up to 2 kbp
Approx. 3 weeks
Up to 4 kbp
Approx. 6 weeks
Up to 10 kbp
Approx. 12 weeks
  • * The turnaround times are estimates and may change depending on the number of samples and analysis conditions.
  • * If the analysis target is a known sequence, the turnaround time can be shortened. Please consult us.


The analysis results will be provided via web download and on a data CD-R.

Deliverables Delivered Data
– Synthesized primers
– Data CD-R
– Sequence Data (.txt)
– Raw Data (.ab1)
– Assembly data (.txt)
– Primer information
  • * We can also report the sequence data after each sequencing reaction if desired. Please let us know if you want this service.
  • * Data is deleted from the server 3 months after delivery.
For New Users, we inform free softwares for viewing Ab1 files.


The total analysis price includes all necessary primer design and synthesis, sequencing, and assembly.

Base Length Single Strand (SSS) Double Strand (DSS)
Up to1.0kbp 22,000 JPY 44,000 JPY
Up to1.5kbp 30,500 JPY 61,000 JPY
Up to2.0kbp 39,000 JPY 78,000 JPY
Up to2.5kbp 56,000 JPY 112,000 JPY
Up to3.0kbp 64,500 JPY 129,000 JPY
Up to3.5kbp 73,000 JPY 146,000 JPY
Up to4.0kbp 81,500 JPY 163,000 JPY
Up to5.0kbp 107,000 JPY 214,000 JPY
Up to6.0kbp 124,000 JPY 248,000 JPY
Up to7.0kbp 149,500 JPY 299,000 JPY
Up to8.0kbp 166,500 JPY 333,000 JPY
Up to9.0kbp 192,000 JPY 384,000 JPY
Up to10.0kbp 234,500 JPY 469,000 JPY

* Prices are exclusive of tax.

Required for Analysis

DNA Template

Plasmid:Conc. 100 – 300ng/μL
PCR Product:Conc. 20+ ng/μL
Refer to the below for required quantities.

Sequencing Primer
(For Initial Analysis)

Conc. 10μM (10+ μL)
Universal primers are available on request.

Order Form

Sequencing Service Order Form
Select “Primer Walking (SSS)” or “Primer Walking (DSS)” in the analysis plan.
  • * The required amount of DNA template depend on the length to be sequenced. The sample is used at 1–5μL per sequencing reaction. Assuming about 500 bases can be sequenced in one reaction, please provide as much sample as possible.
  • * PCR products should be purified. Details on purification methods and optional sample purification services are provided.
  • * We recommend agarose gel electrophoresis for concentration measurement and photos for reaction condition selection.

Order Procedure 

Related Service

Primer Walking is a method that designs sequencing primers from known sequences and reliably reads the sequence. However, since the readable sequence length in one sequencing is about 500 bases, the longer the target sequence, the more time, cost, and sample quantity are required.

In such cases, consider the “NGS Petit” small-scale analysis using next-generation sequencers. NGS Petit provides more efficient analysis and can deliver assembled contig data, just like Primer Walking.

Especially for analysis base lengths over 10kb, NGS Petit offers cost savings, so please consider using it.

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