


本製品はLGC Genomics LtdとMiNA Therapeutics Ltdの共同ライセンスの基に、研究使用目的で製造、販売しているものです。
ご購入いただいた製品を臨床、診断、治療等の商業使用される場合は、お客様にて別途、LGC Genomics Ltd、又はMiNA Therapeutics Ltdからライセンスを取得いただく必要があります。

The GalNAc reagents [dR-GalNAc (beta) phosphoramidite and dR-GalNAc (alpha) CPG] are offered as oligonucleotide modifications exclusively under joint license from MiNA Therapeutics Limited and LGC Genomics Ltd., and for which patent protection is being sought through patent applications stemming from International (PCT) patent application publication number WO2021/032777A1.

GalNAc reagents are offered under the condition that the modified oligonucleotides be used for research use only and are prohibited from use in commercial applications (including, but not limited to, clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic or other applications) unless explicitly authorized by separate written agreement with LGC Genomics Ltd. Please enquire via licensing@lgcgroup.com.A license is required from MiNA Therapeutics Ltd. to incorporate GalNAc-dR (beta) phosphoramidite or GalNAc-dR (alpha) CPG into small activating RNA (saRNA) for up-regulation. Please inquire via info@minatx.com.

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